Who We Are?
We are a small family run business nestled into the Rocky Mountains located in Kalispell, Montana. We are surrounded by some of the most splendid views a person could ask for. From kayaking and canoeing to hiking and snow shoeing- there really isn’t a season that we take off. We (as a business and as a family) are heavily involved in many many community youth activities. We contribute to local sports teams, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts and local hunter education programs- giving our time, our knowledge and, when we’re able to, monetarily also. We believe there is a very large deficit of adult leaders that volunteer, organize, and run youth programs, programs that completely shape the future generation(s). We also encourage our friends and customers (one in the same in most cases) to get involved in their area too.
With in the walls of our small manufacturing facility we focus on quality and consistency. Most of the quality is intrinsic of our hand finishing of every single product that we make. Sanding on, touching, and inspecting every little surface of our products. There are also aspects of our quality that are derived directly from the consistency of our processes. Jim’s background in manufacturing and, more specifically, ISO quality control- leads him to develop and document all our processes that produce the products. When a product is found to be defective, we don’t just fix the defect- we fix the process that produced the defect. It is this culture and mentality that allows RockwellStocks to continuously improve and grow. We started back in 2019 carving out stocks for Jim’s father (SP Stocks and Grips in Florida) that was pursuing his lifelong dream of building stocks and gunsmithing. It was soon very evident that manufacturing the stocks in Montana and shipping them 2000 miles to Florida for finishing and packaging wasn’t going to be sustainable. In 2020 the decision was made to move SP Stocks and Grips to Montana and directly combine forces- teaming up under one roof to produce the stocks from raw materiel to finished product. In early 2021 Jim’s father decided to get on with enjoying retirement- that he had worked so hard for. Even though Jim’s main reason for initially starting RockwellStocks was to help facilitate his father’s dream- it soon became obvious, that building stocks and grips for the specialty pistol market, had become his own obsession. While the whole world raised their prices due to 2020- we identified every possible opportunity to improve the process and reduce costs. Our goal in making these improvements and capital expenditures wasn’t to initially make more money- it was to keep our prices the same while everybody else was doubling theirs ( a few are still rising, creeping up on 300+%). Still today we remain as one of the most competitively priced options for specialty pistol stocks and grips and will for years to come.